Polnjenje kristalov na polni luni: Zakaj in kako?

Full Moon Crystal Charging: Why and How?

Crystals have served as symbols of energy, harmony and spiritual growth for thousands of years. One of the popular practices in the crystal world is charging crystals on a full moon. This prac...
Rojstni kamni po horoskopu: Kozmični vodnik po izbiri rojstnih kristalov

Horoscope Birthstones: A Cosmic Guide to Choosing Birth Crystals

Choosing a crystal that will accompany you on your journey is an extremely intimate experience, which can be a great challenge for many people due to the wide selection on offer. There is no per...
5 kristalov za uspešno šolsko in študijsko leto

5 crystals for a successful school and academic year

As we walk the path of education, many of us look for ways to improve our focus, concentration and mental clarity. While traditional study methods and time management are vital, many of us are t...
Tarot VS Orakeljske karte: Kakšna je razlika?

Tarot VS Oracle Cards: What's the Difference?

If you've ever toyed with the idea of ​​insight into the messages the universe brings you, you've probably already flirted with tarot or oracle cards. Tarot and oracle cards carry deep message...
Your Soul Time praznuje 2. obletnico z BOŽIČNIM SEJMOM

Your Soul Time is celebrating its 2nd anniversary with a CHRISTMAS FAIR

When we were thinking about how to immortalize the 2nd anniversary of our existence in addition to our celebration , the idea came by itself. Your Soul Time is not just a store. It's a community....
Kako uporabljati ritualne sveče?

How to use ritual candles?

Candles have always had a special power, regardless of culture, customs, or time. Our ancestors and other civilizations used them, but they have also stood the test of time, as we still use them t...
6 kristalov za začetnike

6 crystals for beginners

Choosing a crystal is an intuitive process, in which we must first of all listen to ourselves. There are two ways of choosing which one to use, and it is up to each individual. We can choose it in...
OBVESTILO: Trgovina in pošiljanje začasno zaprto med 6. in 9. julijem 2022

NOTICE: Shop and shipping temporarily closed between July 6-9, 2022

One of the things that makes us different is the fact that we often choose the crystals live. Juret and I like to drive to various suppliers, where we look at the new crystals in detail, study th...
Kako izbrati pravi kristal zase?

How to choose the right crystal for yourself?

When we encounter challenges in life or seek support in achieving our ambitions, crystals can come to our aid. These wonderful gifts of nature emit vibrations that have a beneficial effect on ou...