Zakaj kristalov NE čistimo z vodo

Why do we NOT clean crystals with water?

Although water cleansing is a popular and historically classic method for clearing negative energy from crystals, it is not always the safest choice for your crystals. Below we have prepared a shor...
Kristalne mreže za manifestacijo: Nasveti in ideje

Crystal Grids for Manifestation: Tips and Ideas

Crystal grids are an aesthetically appealing and deeply symbolic way to harness the energies of our crystals to achieve personal goals and fulfill intentions. If you are just starting your cryst...
Kristali niso nova modna muha: Kako zgodovinski kristali trendajo danes

Crystals Are Not the New Fad: How Historic Crystals Are Trending Today

At a time when all eyes seem to be on technology and the digital world, a trend is suddenly emerging that draws parallels with the past. This "new trend" isn't apps, or even the latest smart devic...
3 pogoste napake, ki jih delajo začetniki lastniki kristalov (in kako se jim izogniti)

3 Common Mistakes Beginner Crystal Owners Make (And How To Avoid Them)

Beginning your journey with crystals can be a transformative experience that offers a connection to the universe, as well as a tool for personal growth and energy management. However, as with any n...
Naravni VS Umetni ali človeško izdelan Citrin

Natural VS Artificial or Man Made Citrine

In the enchanting world of crystals, citrine stands out with its seductive hues ranging from pale yellow to rich brown-orange. Known for attracting abundance and positivity, this gemstone holds a ...
Čarobnost Inclusion Quartza: Miniaturni Svet Znotraj

The Magic of Inclusion Quartz: A Miniature World Within

Quartz with inclusions or Inclusion Quartz , often celebrated under its mysterious pseudonyms such as Garden Quartz, Dream Stone or Lodolite, is not just a crystal. This crystal steals eyes and ...
Selenit: Najboljši Kristal za Čiščenje

Selenite: The Best Crystal for Cleansing

Selenite, with its ethereal glow and moonlight-like translucency, is not only a charming addition to any crystal collection or home decor; it is also known for its powerful cleansing properties....
Kristali kot darilo iz srca: Zase ali za ljubljene

Crystals as a gift from the heart: For yourself or for loved ones

We often spoil ourselves or others for Valentine's Day. While traditional gifts like flowers and chocolates never go out of style, personally, crystals are an even nicer gift. Crystals are n...
Kristali za zaščito in odganjanje negativne energije

Crystals for protection and warding off negative energy

In the magical world of crystals, each stone has its own unique properties and meaning. While some are known for their calming effects, others are valued for the protection they bring. Let's...